
Employee Engagement Calendar - October 2023

October 2, 2023by Carissa Harrison in Workplace Wellbeing

Important dates and employee engagement ideas for the month of October.

ADHD Awareness Month

ADHD Awareness Month shines a spotlight on a widely misunderstood and often stigmatized condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. This dedicated month of awareness and education serves as a crucial platform for raising public understanding about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the challenges it poses to those diagnosed with it. Additionally, it highlights the importance of early diagnosis and intervention, promoting research efforts, and advocating for improved access to healthcare and educational resources. By observing ADHD Awareness Month, we take essential steps toward reducing the stigma surrounding ADHD and fostering an environment where those affected by it can thrive and reach their full potential.

International Day of Non-Violence - October 2nd

This day encourages individuals and nations to reflect on the power of non-violence in promoting justice, equality, and peace. It stresses the importance of upholding human rights and fostering a culture of empathy, tolerance, and non-violent conflict resolution. In an uncertain world, promoting non-violence is more important than ever.
Engagement Ideas
  • Peaceful communication workshops: Host workshops focusing on non-violent communication and conflict resolution skills to foster a harmonious workplace.
  • Non-violent conflict resolution training: Provide employees with training in non-violent conflict resolution techniques, empowering them to handle disputes peacefully.
  • Charity and community service: Encourage employees to participate in charitable activities or volunteer work aligned with the principles of peace and non-violence.

World Cerebral Palsy Day - October 6th

World Cerebral Palsy Day highlights the importance of inclusion, equality, and accessibility for people with cerebral palsy, a neurological condition that affects motor skills and can have a profound impact on their lives. It provides an opportunity for families, healthcare professionals, and organizations to come together, share knowledge, and promote understanding about the challenges faced by those with cerebral palsy.

Engagement Ideas
  • Guest speaker: Invite a speaker with cerebral palsy or in-depth knowledge of cerebral palsy to share their experiences and insights with employees.
  • Accessibility audit: Conduct an audit to identify workplace improvements for better accommodation.
  • Sensory-friendly environment: Create "silent workspaces" and spaces with adjustable lighting to accommodate sensory sensitivities.

World Mental Health Day - October 10th

World Mental Health Day offers a globally recognized platform to advocate for the importance of mental well-being. This day reminds us of the urgent need to break the stigma surrounding mental illness. We are reminded that mental health is an integral part of our overall health, deserving the same attention and care as physical health. As a company dedicated to mental well-being, this day provides an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to supporting individuals on their mental health journeys.

Engagement Ideas
  • Interactive workshops: Host mental health workshops with experts. Not sure where to start? We offer manager mental health training!

Indigenous Peoples Day (U.S.) - October 10th

Indigenous Peoples Day holds profound significance as a day dedicated to honouring and acknowledging the rich cultures, histories, and contributions of Indigenous peoples worldwide. It serves as a vital counter-narrative to the historically problematic observance of Columbus Day, highlighting the resilience and enduring presence of Indigenous communities. This commemoration encourages a broader understanding of the complex issues faced by Indigenous peoples, such as land rights, cultural preservation, and social justice. Indigenous Peoples Day fosters a platform for dialogue and reconciliation, promoting a more inclusive and equitable future where Indigenous voices are heard, respected, and valued. It represents an essential step towards rectifying historical injustices and forging a path towards mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.

Engagement Ideas
  • Indigenous Guest Speaker Series: Invite Indigenous leaders, activists, artists, or community members to your workplace for informative sessions on Indigenous issues, culture, and history. These presentations promote cultural awareness, provide an opportunity for open dialogue, and help educate employees.

World Menopause Day - October 18th

World Menopause Day creates awareness about a stage that affects women globally but often remains shrouded in silence and misconceptions. It empowers women to make informed decisions about their health, seek support when needed, and fosters an inclusive society that values and respects women's experiences through their life journey.

Engagement Ideas
  • Menopause education workshops: Host workshops or webinars led by healthcare professionals or experts on menopause-related topics. These sessions can cover symptoms, coping strategies, and how colleagues can be supportive.
  • Open dialogues: Encourage open dialogues about menopause by providing a safe and confidential space for employees to share their experiences, concerns, and advice. This can be in the form of discussion panels, forums or support groups.
  • Flexible work arrangements: Highlight the importance of workplace flexibility to accommodate women experiencing menopausal symptoms. Promote policies that allow for adjusted work hours or remote work if feasible, giving women more control over their work environment during that time.

United Nations Day - October 24th

United Nations Day marks the anniversary of the United Nation's charter's entry into force in 1945. This day serves as a reminder of the shared commitment of nations to promote peace, cooperation, and international solidarity. It symbolizes the power of diplomacy and global collaboration in addressing the world's most pressing challenges, from conflict resolution to climate change and public health crises.

Engagement Ideas
  • Global issue discussions/ workshop: Host panel discussions, seminars, or webinars focusing on global issues such as climate change, human rights, of refugee crises. Invite experts or employees with expertise in these areas to lead the discussions.

Halloween - October 31st

In modern times, Halloween has evolved into a celebration of creativity and community. It offers an opportunity for people to express themselves through costumes, share in the joy of imaginative decorations, and come together in the spirit of fun and camaraderie. Embracing Halloween in the workplace can foster team bonding, boost morale, and provide a break from the daily routine, making it a valuable occasion for building a positive and engaging workplace culture.

Engagement Ideas
  • Host a Halloween costume competition with your team.


Top 10 Considerations When Budgeting for Mental Health and DEI in the Workplace

Culturally Image

Our company believes in the importance of reconciliation and is a proud member of Culturally Committed, a community and program designed to foster relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, promote cultural understanding, and support Indigenous-led initiatives. We acknowledge that the journey of reconciliation is ongoing, and commit to learning, listening, and taking action towards a more just and equitable future for all.

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We respectfully acknowledge that our company operates on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples, including the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səl̓ilw̓ətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. We recognize and honour the enduring presence and deep cultural heritage of these First Nations, and commit to working towards reconciliation, equity, and social justice.

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