Partnership Announcement: Tara Adams

February 14, 2023by Carissa Harrison in Announcements

CheckingIn is thrilled to announce a new partnership with workplace mental health expert Tara Adams to bring you two workplace suicide prevention programs.

Tara Adams is the founder and owner of Abridge Consulting. After spending several years as a corporate wellness manager, Tara saw the desperate need for an organization that specializes in workplace mental health consulting, including suicide prevention training.

We see immense value in training leaders to identify signs of poor mental health amongst their staff to help prevent suicide. Teaching leaders and managers how to interact with their team in the event the organization does lose someone to suicide is equally important. Thoughts of suicide are far more common than most people believe, and the impact of losing a staff member is profound. CheckingIn is proud to be offering new resources to assist teams with suicide prevention.

We will be offering two programs in collaboration with Tara Adams:

"Intro to Suicide Prevention in the Workplace" is a 90 min webinar designed to provide participants with a general understanding of suicide in the community and the workplace. Tara will deliver information, tools, and resources while exploring scenarios relevant to the workplace. The webinar will expand upon four key actions that teams can take to prevent suicide amongst staff, and provide participants with the tools necessary to prepare, respond, debrief, and inform when encountering a person with thoughts of suicide in the workplace.

The "Building a Suicide Safer Workplace" package includes a one-hour live prep session to explain the benefits of suicide prevention in the workplace, introduce key resources, and set expectations. Participants are then given one week to complete the "Start" online self-directed course. Participants attend a second hour-long facilitated session to debrief their experience, provide feedback, ask questions, review resources, and learn how to apply the learning in their workplace.

Our hope is that by offering suicide prevention training we can help organizations develop an ethical system that supports those who are living with mental illness. We also hope to provide insight on how to navigate the tragic situation of losing a team member to suicide, should this need arise.

To learn more about facilitating suicide prevention training for your organization, reach out to